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HandyTrain is a mobile-first product designed to train and evaluate large numbers of corporate professionals simultaneously across geographies.It significantly reduces the time and cost incurred by employers in training hundreds of employees across locations.HandyTrain recently won the Gold Award for Employee Engagement Initiatives, at the Asian Customer Engagement Forum & Awards (ACEF) in September 2016.In just one instance, HandyTrain was deployed to train 2,100+ Retail Sales Personnel by one of the world’s largest software companies, resulting in a 143% improvement in test scores and glowing client testimonials.
HandyTrain has also successfully deployed Product and Brand Training solutions to India’s largest retail conglomerate; Compliance Assessment solutions to the world’s largest digital transportation network company; Induction Training and Onboarding for India’s largest private sector Life Insurance company; Anatomy and Physiology Training to India’s second largest diagnostic chain, to name a few.